Normalizing Innovation

“Normal” and “innovation” are often not words we connect together in our minds, but that doesn’t have to be the case. What if instead of a few stand outs in each generation we so cultivated creativity and innovative potential in every individual that innovation was actually the norm?  What if creative ideas were so common that solutions to our world’s biggest problems started to come into focus?

Call me a dreamer, but I think that kind of world would be a pretty spectacular place to live and I don’t think it’s unrealistic to attempt such a feat.  It’s a tricky wicked task to say the least, but not impossible.

And at the very least, let’s be honest, it’s worth a try!  Even if we don’t succeed in creating an innovator’s paradise in our life time, such work would certainly benefit us all in the long run.

If you’re interested to get a clearer vision of why I think this wicked problem might just be solvable, I’d love for you to review this white paper “Normalizing Innovation in Education” and leave me your comments below.  If the whole idea of incorporating innovation into the current learning ethic is a bit new to you, might I suggest starting with my  Innovation as Learning Ethic infographic created via Pikochart.

At the very least I hope you can catch a tiny glimpse of what our classrooms might look like and how you yourself could play a part in changing the course of education.

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