Testing the Water Before Taking the Plunge – Getting Started with Maker-Ed

There are those people who jump into a pool without testing the water – they’re confident they’ll adapt to the change quickly and dive in without hesitation.  Others dip in a toe, then a foot, then a leg – slowly getting their body acclimated so the shock isn’t quite so startling.

So long as you don’t let the fear of temperature change keep you from enjoying fun in the sun, there’s not a “right” or a “wrong” way to enter the pool.  Whether you’re a jump-right-in or slow-to-acclimate, the point is that you get in and have fun!

The same logic can be applied to our teaching practice.  There are some folks who recognize a good change immediately and go all in right away.  Others are more cautious, choosing to try a few adjustments to their practice before signing up for more.  I submit that as long as you’re honing your practice in a research-based, thoughtful way, there’s no right or wrong here.

In recent years the #MakerEd movement has gained a growing following.  Perhaps you heard a bit about it and knew instantly this was your cup of tea.  You reoriented your classroom to be a space where creative artifacts were produced in as much of a real-world setting as you could muster. Or perhaps you’re curious, but aren’t ready to totally rework your entire career’s worth of curriculum.  That’s totally understandable!  Let me just encourage you to explore some basic ways you can give making a try in your classroom, without completely overhauling everything.

reMake Education-2


Halverson, Erica Rosenfeld;Sheridan, Kimberly M. (2014). The Maker Movement in Education. Harvard Educational Review; Winter 2014; 84, 4; ProQuest pg. 495.

SuperFantastic. “dive” (2010) Online image. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/superfantastic/4735666616/in/photolist-8dtwGq-dRYP7Z-dUsxbz-ddBt6N-bnGZEt-dqLWUN-xVdzG-dqLWoh-eNCNp-omwMHY-eNAd8-72C2VL-7wcSag-4Wzob9-6kSQtT-o7sfo-2zLSQz-au2p1g-52YzHn-533Spu-52Yzez-52YyKn-52YB8F-fiDsD-8cKHdX-bnGZx6-9M6PwV-hLL4q-c2HYEA-AnzyV-ozYEQy-2jMwcB-5b3fWk-c7tUqh-cEuh7S-533RsQ-5345S9-iMZphe-Anzei-6Favjv-dKTs5-6uuSho-7HEzqz-eHAX41-3w3x4-6kdSkW-4ahe1-6NLehN-axFanP-jMR6x.

One thought on “Testing the Water Before Taking the Plunge – Getting Started with Maker-Ed

  1. lohitsas says:

    Anna- this is absolutely amazing! So informative, eye catching and easy to read. It is a great way “to get your feet wet” in the world of Maker Ed. The layout is incredibly fun, vibrant and youthful. It appeals to the kid in me who wants to make and create everything. Thanks so much for sharing!


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