Words to Live By: “Have Fun” – Networked Learning #3

“Great Kid, Don’t Get Cocky!”

Last week I was feeling pretty good about my learning.  I’m still proud of my progress, but this week I overstepped what Vygotsky would call my ZPD and got frustrated. I read about depth of field, focal length and exposure compensation.  On paper it looked easy.  I created goals as looked forward to shooting my husband’s birthday.  Party day arrived and I didn’t get the shots I’d envisioned as I tried to juggle too much at once.  Discouragement set in. IMG_3428IMG_3437IMG_3434 IMG_3452IMG_3431IMG_3456 I bite off more than I can chew a lot and find myself whining about the outcomes. Needless to say, I often need Han Solo’s advice:

My Own Han solo

Discouraged by my inability to control shots, I sought advice on the forums.  I needed a Han Solo kind of response and, thankfully, that’s what I got! They didn’t tear me apart, and even had some positive things to say, but the big piece of advice was . . .stop shooting in manual.  Instead, learn the less-advanced creative modes, one thing at a time.  “Why would a beginner want to shoot in manual?” one asked – and it was a GREAT question to which I didn’t have a defined answer.  His point was, that I could trust my camera for more, until I had deeper knowledge and more technical control. Parting words from the most senior member were . . .”remember to have fun!”  In the swarm of information and unrealistic expectations  I was, indeed, forgetting to have fun.  The last couple of times I picked up the camera I’d dreaded it, something that had never happened before.  Without a descent amount of fun, I wasn’t engaging in an authentic way.  They set my sights on reasonable expectations that would provide me  challenge balanced with success, a great recipe for FUN! I went back to semi-auto settings, and was able to have that necessary fun.  I felt renewed in my desire and reassured that I didn’t need to do too much at once.  As a result I was able to sit back, enjoy and engage more with the people I was photographing.


Thinking as a Learner

Here’s a snapshot of where I’m at in my process:

Thinking as a teacher

I use online forums and videos to teach, and  frequently think about these learning tools.  Being the learner in this situation, however, has shifted my perspective enough for me to gain some new takeaways and reaffirm other things I’ve known for awhile. From the forums:

  1. Guts are required to post publicly.  Every time I posted I felt vulnerable.  The positives that were observed kept me buoyed enough to keep me asking for help.
  2. Rapport and trust are built with quick response time. Feedback from REAL people was essential to my process.  I found myself checking the forums just as often as FB or Twitter.
  3. Positives are essential to critical assessment.  Even very well-meaning advice can “hurt.”  Positives help soften the blow.

From YouTube:

  1. Slow and straightforward is best.  I can tend to be too conversational during the instruction.  Personal is best at the beginning or end, not in the middle of instruction.
  2. Shorter videos are best.  More than 10 minutes for a tutorial and I would feel overloaded.
  3. No substitute for examples.

Personally, I think I will continue to use theses networks to learn more about my camera and photography. There’s a long road ahead, but I’m confident there are people willing and able to help me along the way. Keep checking my Flickr account for visual updates and remember . . . have fun!

3 thoughts on “Words to Live By: “Have Fun” – Networked Learning #3

  1. Ben Rimes says:

    Don’t beat yourself up with the shots you took. Sadly, as much as you can learn and apply to photography, it is still one of those hobbies where the gear you’re using can have a profound impact, especially with depth of field and focal length. Give that you’re using the kit lens that came with the camera, you probably won’t see a significant jump in the depth of your shots until you either stick with one focal length, or pick up a newer piece of glass; I bought a nice 50mm fixed focal point lens that cost almost as much as the camera and the shots were much better.

    As for the advice about having fun, keep it up! When the weather gets a bit better, go outside and have fun trying to shoot still life up close, or even trying some odd angles and see what happen. I always love trying to get as close as I can to the ground, and shoot from an ant’s perspective….it’s goofy, but fun for me 🙂

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